2019 Municipal Summits - Conrad Area

Start Time/Date: 9:00 AM Wednesday, May 29, 2019
End Time/Date: 4:00 PM Wednesday, May 29, 2019
ADDRESS: Norley Hall - Conrad
300 N. Virginia Street
CITY: Conrad, MT 59425

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Email Address:
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Additional Event Information

The Municipal Summits are statewide educational and networking events that bring together stakeholders in local and state government to share ideas and discover resources, coordinated by the Montana League of Cities and Towns (MLCT), the Montana Municipal Interlocal Authority (MMIA), and the MSU Local Government Center (LGC).

2019 Summit topics include:

  • Legislative Update – MLCT
  • Public Information Requests – MLCT
  • Child Abuse Prevention in Municipal Operations – MMIA
  • Liability 101 – MMIA
  • Roles and Responsibilities – LGC
  • Final Q&A – MLCT, MMIA, and LGC staff

If you are unable to attend at this location or on this date, you can register in one of our locations near you!