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H 4565 - Makes changes to the Dams and Reservoirs Safety Act

Tracking Level: Of Interest
Sponsor: James Lucas
Last Action: 1/12/2016 - House - Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs
House Committee:
Assigned To:
General GovernanceNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

02.25.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Committee recommitted this bill back to the subcommittee.
02.24.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Agriculture subcommittee gave this bill a favorable report as amended. The amendment makes technical changes to the existing bill.
02.17.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Agriculture subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.
01.20.2016 The House Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs Agriculture subcommittee adjourned debate on this bill.
Summary of the bill as introduced: Provides further requirements, regulatory provisions and procedures for dam and reservoir safety including dam classification, permitting, registration, inspection, emergency action and maintenance plans, and financial assurance requirement.

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