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SB 0186 - Counties, Municipalities, Other Entities; provide for electronic publication for certain public notices; procedures, conditions, and limitations

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Heath, Bill 31st
Last Action: 1/11/2016 - Senate Recommitted
State Code Titles: 36
Senate Committee: SLGO

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SB 186 revises O.C.G.A. § 36-80-24, by authorizing the governing authority of any county or municipality to adopt an ordinance providing that any notice it is required, by law, to publish may be published electronically. If the governing authority adopts such an ordinance, it shall publish specific instructions on accessing all electronic notices. Any notice publish electronically pursuant to this Code sections shall comply with all the following regulations: an electronic version published on the governing authority’s website; the website shall contain a link to all electronic notices; electronic notices and links shall be maintained for at least one year after publication; and a copy shall be provided to each public library and clerk of the superior court within the jurisdiction.

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