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HR 0281 - Sales and use tax exemptions; limit; not exceed three years; provide - CA

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Buckner,Debbie 130th
Last Action: 2/17/2009 - House Second Readers
House Committee: W&M
Assigned To:
Finance - TaxationNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


            This resolutions calls for a referendum to amend the Constitution to limit sales tax exemptions to periods no longer than 3 years and to require a comprehensive review of each exemption.



        Beginning January 1, 2011, any exemption in effect would terminate on December 31, 2013.

        Any exemptions enacted or renewed after January 1, 2011 could not exceed 3 years in duration.

        By December 31, 2011, the General Assembly would have to provide for a comprehensive review and evaluation of all sales tax exemptions to identify the intended goal or benefit of same and to determine if that goal or benefit has been attained and whether continuation of the exemption would be in the best interest of the state.



            The number of exemptions to all taxes, state and local, is astonishing.  A thorough evaluation would be a move toward fairness and efficiency in government.

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