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SR 0406 - Educational Agencies; urged to adopt policies/procedures that permit fair opportunity for school systems to submit necessary documentations

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Buckner,Gail 44th
Last Action: 3/12/2009 - Senate Passed/Adopted
Senate Committee: ED&Y
Assigned To:
MiscellaneousNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


            This resolution would urge educational agencies, associations, boards and commissions involved in an accreditation process a fair opportunity to submit necessary documentation.  The resolution calls for the associations to include in their policies:

  • An opportunity to make early submission of the documentation regarding the item(s) in need of improvement or correction;
  • Such a submission would be provisional rather than final;
  • The accrediting agency would then respond if the documentation passed or failed and would provide a description of deficiencies;
  • The school or system would then be provide at least one opportunity to correct or improve the documentation prior to the final deadline for submission.

The resolution, if passed, would be sent to the SBOE, SACS, and GAC.

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