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SB 0239 - Education; mandatory attendance; provisions; require new residents in a local school system to enroll a child within 30 days

Tracking Level: Work
Sponsor: Ramsey, Sr.,Ronald 43rd
Last Action: 6/8/2010 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: ED&Y
House Committee: Ed
Assigned To:
Student MattersNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


            This bill would amend Part 1 of Chapter 2 of Title 20 of the O.C.G.A. to require new residents to enroll a child in a local school system within 30 days, to provide for reporting of violations and for penalties for not reporting or not enrolling a child.



  • Enrollment within the 30 day limit could include not only public schools but private schools or home study programs.
  • LBOE’s would be able to define excused absences beyond what is in the law.
  • Previous procedures and penalties for violation would be struck from the law.
  • New procedures would include:
    • Reporting a parent, etc., to the appropriate agency if a child has accumulated 25 unexcused absences (mandatory with penalty for failure);
    • Reporting a parent, etc., to the appropriate enforcement agency; if a child is not regularly attending school (optional);
    • Reporting a parent, etc., who appears to have violated the code section to the appropriate enforcement agency.
  • The code would not be violated, regardless of reports, until a child accumulated 5 or more days of unexcused absences.  However, every day after 5 constitutes a separate offense.
  • Schools would be required to make 2 reasonable attempts to notify parents, etc., of the 5 unexcused absences; if no response, they must send a certified letter, whereupon the system would be in compliance with the law.
  • Penalties for parents, etc., would include:
    • A misdemeanor charge;
    • A fine of not less than $25 and not greater than $100;
    • No more than 30 days imprisonment;
    • Community service; or
    • Any combination of penalties at the discretion of the court


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