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SR 0466 - Performance Based Principal Certificate Renewal Design Team; establish

Tracking Level: Hot
Sponsor: Weber,Dan 40th
Last Action: 4/3/2009 - House Withdrawn, Recommitted
Senate Committee: ED&Y
House Committee: Ed
Assigned To:
PersonnelNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


            This resolution calls for appointment of a design team to develop a program to enhance the knowledge, skills, and performance of principals.



  • The design team would consist of the following:
    • One or more representatives from the DOE, designated by the State School Superintendent;
    • One or more representatives from the PSC, designated by the executive secretary of the PSC;
    • One or more representatives from the Office of Student Achievement, designated by the executive director of the OSA;
    • A representative from the University System of Georgia, designed by the Chancellor;
    • The Governor’s education policy advisor or designee;
    • A representative of OPB;
    • A Representative from the GA Leadership Institute for School Improvement;
    • The executive director of GAEL or designee;
    • The executive director of GSSA or designee;
    • The executive director of GA PEE or designee;
    • One local school superintendent appointed by the Speaker;
    • One principal appointed by the President of the Senate;
    • One representative of a private, non-profit college or university in Georgia with a teacher prep program appointed by the Speaker;
    • A representative of the private sector appointed by the President of the Senate.
  • Members would receive no compensation above reimbursement of expenses by their employing agencies.
  • The design team would consider:
    • Sources of funding;
    • Program structure;
    • Potential participants;
    • Links to certification renewal;
    • Incentives;
    • Program providers and delivery models;
    • Voluntary or mandatory participation;
    • Content;
    • Timelines for development;
    • Costs to participants;
    • Necessary changes to law, if any;
    • Measures of effectiveness of program.
  • The design team would have to report to the General Assembly education and youth committees by July 30, 2009.


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