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HB 0870 - Life, Liberty, and Property Restoration Act; enact

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Franklin,Bobby 43rd
Last Action: 1/13/2010 - House Second Readers
House Committee: Judy
Assigned To:
GovernanceNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  This bill would amend Title 28 to add a chapter that would allow creation of a committee that would consider legislation assigned to it regarding abolishing departments, agencies, authorities, board or commission that fail to comply with the foundational principles that the writer outlines in the beginning of the chapter, which he dubs “the foundational principles of civil government articulated in the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America.” 



  • All laws, departments, agencies, authorities, boards or commissions that do not pertain to God-given rights to life, liberty and property must be repealed and abolished.
  • A Joint Committee on Repeals will be appointed by the Speaker and the President of the Senate, none of whom can be lawyers.
  • This committee will review existing laws and consider legislation that relates to the “foundational principals …of the Declaration of the thirteen united States of America” as outlined in the first chapter of the bill.



  • The interpretation of the “God…instituted four, not one, spheres of government” are interesting and worth reading.
  • If the bill becomes law, it is possible that legislation could be introduced to eliminate Department of Education, and the State Board of Education.  It would take a constitutional amendment to eliminate county and independent boards of education, and the constitutionality of the elimination of the state board is questionable.


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