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HR 1485 - Professional Standards Commission; Certification and Professional Learning Task Force; create

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Carter,Amy 175th
Last Action: 3/11/2010 - House Committee Favorably Reported
House Committee: Ed
Assigned To:
PersonnelNext Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

SUMMARY:  This resolution would direct the PSC to temporarily modify rules relating to certification renewal and would create the Certification and Professional Learning Task Force.


  • It would create a task force to review renewal requirements and make recommendations for improvement:
    • It would be composed of 16 members: 2 from the PSC; 2 from the DOE; 1 from the Senate; 1 from the House; 1 from a college of education of the university system; 1 from a private college; 1 local school superintendent; one public school principal; 1 public school elementary teacher; 1 public school middle grades teacher; 1 public high school teacher; 1 from the GA Staff Development Council; and 1 from OPB. (Chaired by PSC)
    • It would address roles of agencies providing PLU training and the adequacy of the training.
    • It would study effectiveness of current requirements on school improvement and student learning.
    • Its recommendations would have to be reported no later than November 2011.


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