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HR 0046 - House Rules; amend Rule 18

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Fleming,Barry 117th
Last Action: 1/31/2007 - House Passed/Adopted
House Committee: Rules

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Resolution 46


Chair's Name: Earl Ehrhart


Committee: Rules


House Sponsor: Barry Fleming

HR 46 amends House Rule 18, regarding local legislation. First, it directs local legislation to the Intragovernmental Coordination Committee. Second, it reinstates a provision adopted last year, formalizing the long-time practice of allowing the committee staff to inspect local legislation to make sure it is in proper form and allowing the chair to report it out without requiring action by the full committee.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Rules Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.


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