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HB 0131 - Georgia HERO Scholarship; surviving spouses be eligible students; provide

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Horne,Billy 71st
Last Action: 5/30/2007 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: HEd
Senate Committee: H ED

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Bill 131


Chair's Name: Bill Hembree


Committee: Higher Education


House Sponsor: Billy Horne 

HB 131 extends the HERO Scholarships to the surviving spouses of deceased members of the Georgia National Guard or armed forces reserves who were killed in a combat zone. The HERO Scholarships grants are $2000 per year for up to four years.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Higher Education Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule. 

Chairman Hembree�s opinion of this legislation:



Helping surviving spouse of a deceased member of the Georgia National Guard who was killed in a combat zone by giving them $2,000 a year for college grant.



The Georgia HERO scholarship (Helping Education Reservist and their Offspring) started 2 years ago, assisting children of National Guard�s men and this expands it to include the spouses.



  • Reduces the Size of Government:

It should be the duty of government to help those who defend the government,

  • Strengthens the Traditional Family Structure

Helps spouses and families recover by providing money for educational funding.

  • Increases Personal Responsibility:

Allows spouses to continue their education and be productive citizens.

  • Other:

According to GA Student Finance Commission the fiscal impact is $14,000-28,000 this year, which is very small.

Senate Changes:

The Senate made changes that require that an application for the initial grant under this subsection must be made before July 1, 2009, or not later than two years following the death of the spouse, whichever is later, and no grant shall be issued later than six years after the initial grant is issued. Representative Horne will likely move to agree.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text