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HB 0180 - Prescription drugs; sold by certain Georgia companies; access restrictions; prohibit

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Rogers,Carl 26th
Last Action: 5/6/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: H&HS
Senate Committee: GvtO

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 180


Chair’s Name: Sharon Cooper


Committee:Health and Human Services


House Sponsor: Carl Rogers

HB 180 prevents the Department of Community Health from entering into a contract on behalf of any of the state health programs for any FDA approved prescription drug or other health care product that is produced by a Georgia biotechnology, biopharmaceutical, or pharmaceutical company if such drug or product is subject to any access restriction such as a preferred drug list, prior approval, or step therapy. This subsection shall apply to all contracts entered into or renewed by the Department of Community Health on or after July 1, 2008.


This bill comes to the House Floor under the Modified Open Rule.


Chairman Cooper’s Opinion of the Legislation:

This legislation would not allow the Department of Community Health from excluding pharmaceutical companies, who have significant investment within the state of Georgia, from the preferred drug lists of the State Health Benefit Plan, Medicaid, and Peachcare.  The drug companies produce a competitive price to become eligible. The bill would create an incentive for pharmaceutical companies to invest within the state creating jobs and allowing the patients on the three plans more options.

Further Action

The House agreed to the Senate Substitute.

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