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SB 0070 - Financial Institutions; update banking laws to reflect changes in federal law

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Hamrick,William 30th
Last Action: 5/24/2007 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: B&FI
House Committee: B&B

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

Senate Bill 70


Chair's Name: James Mills


Committee: Banks & Banking


Senate Sponsor: Bill Hamrick


House Sponsor: James Mills


SB 70 updates the banking laws in order to reflect changes in federal law and current practices. This bill was brought by the Department of Banking & Finance and was not opposed by the affected industries. The following points highlight the changes made in this omnibus legislation:

  • Excludes the value of good will in certain transactions to minimize its impact on limits of loans, investments and fixed assets.
  • Follows federal agency rules and regulations regarding real estate loans.
  • Follows Georgia Corporate Code language to allow for the electronic transmission of proxy.
  • Defines share exchange and allows for share exchange in mergers or consolidations. 
  • Changes qualifications for check sellers and requires background checks on employees and agents of check sellers.
  • Clarifies the licensee's obligation to post a bond as well as clarifies the registration and testing of check sellers who are not licensed.
  • Provides for a cease and desist order to be issued against noncompliant licensees and specifies a penalty for withholding or falsifying information submitted to the Department.
  • Puts in place advertisement restrictions and background checks for check cashers and mortgage lenders/brokers
  • Places a limit on check-cashing fees

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Banks & Banking Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule. 

Chairman Mills� opinion of this legislation: 


The bill brings state law in compliance with Federal Regulations.



The bill is driven by the Department of Banking and Finance.



  • Reduces the Tax Burden on our Citizens: The bill allows for tax advantages to financial institutions� shareholders.
  • Other: The bill provides for consumer protection through regulation of financial institutions; it also complies with homeland security procedures.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text