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SB 0084 - Insurance; protect members of United States armed forces; unscrupulous practices; marketing/sale of insurance

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Shafer,David 48th
Last Action: 5/24/2007 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: I&L
House Committee: A&CA

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


Senate Bill 84


Chair's Name: Tom McCall


Committee: Agriculture & Consumer Affairs


Senate Sponsor: David Shafer


House Sponsor: Chuck Sims


SB 84 adds to the unfair practice act for insurance sales. Engaging in dishonest, unfair, or deceptive insurance practices in marketing or selling insurance to members of the armed forces is added to the list of prohibited practices. The Insurance Commissioner is authorized to promulgate rules to enforce the policy.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Agriculture & Consumer Affairs Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule. 

Chairman McCall�s opinion of this legislation:



This bill seeks to protect service members of the armed forces of the United States from unfair and deceptive trade practices surrounding the sales or marketing of insurance.  There is much anecdotal evidence that many service members about to deploy are preyed upon by deceptive marketers; these service members believe they are doing something good for themselves and their families in preparation for their deployment when, in fact, they find themselves bound to payments not specified or receiving products not as presented.  This bill seeks to thwart those practices.



The need to comply with provisions of the Military Personnel Financial Services Protection Act and reports of unfair and deceptive trade practices occurring in Georgia. Investigations by the Georgia Department of Insurance and the Department of the Army found problems with these improper sales practices at Ft. Benning, Ft. Stewart and Ft. Gordon in Georgia.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text