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HB 0229 - Education lottery; book allowances; fee payments; impose certain limitations

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Harbin,Ben 118th
Last Action: 1/14/2008 - House Immediately Transmitted to Senate- Vetoed
House Committee: App
Senate Committee: H ED

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Bill 229


Chair's Name: Ben Harbin


Committee: Appropriations


House Sponsor: Ben Harbin


HB 229 establishes a better measurement of decreasing lottery reserve funds prior to eliminating student funding. Under current law, students are in jeopardy of losing their book allowances if there is any decline in lottery funds for education. The legislation requires there to be an actual trend of less than 90% of a previous year-end budget before removing any funding currently issued to Hope Scholarship recipients. Under the new formula, during the first year after a significant funding decrease all scholarships and grants for book allowances may not exceed $150.00 per academic year.  If the trend continues the next year, the book stipends will be suspended entirely.  If lottery funds continue to decrease, mandatory institution fees will no longer be covered by the Hope Scholarship. This legislation does not affect students eligible for the federal Pell Grant program.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Appropriations Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.

The Senate added additional definitions of "Assignee", "Assignment", and "Assignor" to a preceding code section. 

Chairman Harbin's opinion of this legislation:



HB 229 establishes a true measure in the decline of lottery funds prior to removing book grant funds and other fees provided by HOPE.



HB 229 addresses the absence of a true measure of available lottery funds.  Under current law, lottery reserves could decrease by $1 and affect funding awarded to students.



  • Strengthens the Traditional Family Structure by assisting the families of students by protecting their book allowances and institution fees provided by HOPE.
  • Helps insure that book grants and other fees provided by HOPE are not taken away from students unnecessarily.


House Vote: 161-0

Senate Vote: 50-2


Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text