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HB 0301 - Dogfighting; prohibit; punishments; amend provisions

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Reese,Bobby 98th
Last Action: 5/6/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: JudyNC
Senate Committee: AG&CA

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 301


Chair's Name: David Ralston


Committee: Judiciary Non-Civil


House Sponsor: Bobby Reese


HB 301 redefines the offense of dogfighting to include not just the persons conducting the fight but also others involved, ranging from spectators to property owners who knowingly allow the fights on their premises. The bill also adds penalties for second or subsequent convictions.

This committee substitute comes to the House Floor under the Modified-Structured Rule. An amendment was adopted on the floor striking language regarding guard dogs, as some dogfighting operators try to use this exception during sting operations.

Chairman Ralston’s opinion:

The driving force behind HB 301 is the strengthening of existing law as well as the inclusion of “spectators” in prohibited conduct that most Georgians consider cruel and inhumane.

Further Action

The Senate Agreed to the House Amendment to the Senate Substitute and the bill was sent to the Governor. The bill at final passage made some minor changes to the House's spectator and promoter language and added a new part dealing with vicious dogs and the care of impounded animals.


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