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SB 0115 - Residential/General Contractors; revise the licensure provisions

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Shafer,David 48th
Last Action: 5/29/2007 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: RI&Util
House Committee: RegI

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


Senate Bill 115


Chair's Name: Roger Williams


Committee: Regulated Industries


Senate Sponsor: David Shafer


House Sponsor: Sean Jerguson


SB 115 makes changes to the licensure provisions for residential and general contractors. Section 1 makes changes to the definition of a "contractor", "general contractor", and "qualifying agent". Section 2 changes the effective date of the State Licensing Board from July 2007 to July 2008. Section 3 gives the board the power to provide interpretation and guidance of policies and procedures and establish categories of general contractor licensure. Sections 4, 5, and 6 deal with the license application process. Section 7 addresses violations and penalties. Section 8 requires the licensing requirements and effective dates to be posted in local offices that issue building permits. Section 9 makes further changes to the effective dates.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Regulated Industries Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule. 

Chairman Williams' opinion of this legislation:



This legislation addresses a number of areas that need further clarification before the law becomes effective January 1, 2008. Two separate licensing bills were merged into a single bill HB1003. The merging of the two resulted in some unintended consequences. SB 115 cleans up all of the identified issues with the original legislation. The newly appointed Licensing Board, the Secretary of the State's Office and the statewide Associations representing Home Builders and General Contractors have participated in the development of this bill.



Before the original Licensing Law Bill (HB1003) was passed in 2004, Georgia was the only state in the South East United States that did not license Home Builders and General Contractors. As a result many local jurisdictions began to adopt local license requirements with no consistency or reciprocity between jurisdictions.



  • Reduces the Size of Government:

Yes, state-wide requirements vs. multi-local licenses

  • Other:

The newly appointed Licensing Board, the Secretary of the State's Office and the statewide Associations representing Home Builders and General Contractors have participated in the development of this bill.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text