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HB 0327 - Setoff debt collection; public housing authorities; authorize

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Williams,Mark 178th
Last Action: 5/30/2007 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: W&M
Senate Committee: FIN

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Bill: 327


Chair�s Name: Larry O'Neal


Committee: Ways & Means


House Sponsor: Mark Williams


HB 327 allows a person to challenge a debt they allegedly owe a public housing authority before the debt is offset on the person's tax return by the Department of Revenue.  Before the Department of Revenue may offset the debt the public housing authority must hold a hearing.  The bill also provides the procedure for an appeal.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Ways & Means Committee and came to the House Floor under the Structured Rule. 

Chairman O'Neal's opinion of this legislation:



HB 327 adds public housing authorities to the list of agencies that may participate in the Revenue Department setoff debt collection so that they may collect debts owned to them, thus reducing the difficulty in collecting money owed by tenants to public housing authorities.


The Senate made no further changes.


House Vote: 157-6

Senate Vote: 47-0

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