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HB 0373 - Public Safety, Department of; State Patrol; retirement benefits; amend

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Bridges,Ben 10th
Last Action: 5/14/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: Ret
Senate Committee: RET

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 373


Chair's Name: Ben Bridges


Committee: Retirement


House Sponsor: Ben Bridges


Chairman Bridges’ Opinion of the legislation:

HB 373 allows members of ERS who are in service in the Uniform Division of the Dept. of Public Safety to return to work full-time following his/her retirement and continue to receive retirement benefits.   The retiree:  1) cannot return to work within the first 12 months of retirement; 2) will not accrue any additional benefits or further creditable service. 


The employer will negotiate the employee’s salary regardless of their previous salary and rank, and no person shall be re-employed at a higher salary or rank then they held at the time of retirement.  The employer will pay the employee and employer contributions to the retirement system.  There is no cost to the State or the retirement system.  The Dept. of Public Safety would have the sole discretion to permit any person to return to work under the provisions of this legislation.

Currently, there is a shortage of State Patrol Officers and in times of emergency, these retired employees may be rehired. This bill is similar to the legislation designed to accommodate retired teachers.

This committee substitute comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule.

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