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HB 0391 - Cemeterians State Board; members qualifications; change certain provisions

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Rogers,Carl 26th
Last Action: 5/24/2007 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: RegI
Senate Committee: RI&Util

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


House Bill 391


Chair�s Name: Roger Williams


Committee: Regulated Industries


House Sponsor: Carl Rogers


HB 391 changes the requirements for a member to be appointed to the State Board of Cemetarians.  Currently, five members out of the six member board must be registered in Georgia for five years prior to appointment.  This bill would only require five years general experience instead.  Requirements for the sixth member would remain the same.

This bill received a Do Pass recommendation from the Regulated Industry Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule. 

Chairman William�s opinion of this legislation:



The members of the State Board of Cementerians have not been able to meet.  Currently in order to serve as a member of the Board, one of the requirements is that a member must have been registered as a practicing cemeterian in Georgia for at least 5 years immediately preceding the appointment to the Board.  Some members have not been continuously in business but have more than 5 years of experience.  So to fix this, this legislation changes that requirement to having a minimum of 5 years of experience as a cemeterian in order to be able to serve on the Board



The driving force behind this legislation is to enable the members of the State Board of Cementerians to meet.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text