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SB 0156 - Retirement; counties, municipal corporations; post-employment benefits; define certain terms

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Balfour,Don 9th
Last Action: 5/11/2007 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: RET
House Committee: Ret

Staff Analysis of the Legislation


Senate Bill 156


Chair's Name: Ben Bridges


Committee: Retirement


Senate Sponsor: Don Balfour


House Sponsor: Earl Ehrhart

The committee substitute received a Do Pass recommendation from the Retirement Committee and comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule.  

Chairman Bridges' opinion of this legislation:



Local Governments must meet the new funding standards for public retirement systems as determined by Governmental Accounting Standards Board.  The substitute bill also creates the Board of Regents Retiree Health Benefit Fund.



SB 156 provides for establishing and administering certain trusts to provide for the payment of covered post-employment health care expenses for eligible present and future retirees.


Benefit plans of this type may be pre-funded by trusts and other authorized funding mechanisms to enable political subdivisions to comply with financial reporting, disclosure and actuarial requirements of Governmental Accounting Standards Board statements number 43 and 45.


Employer contributions, employee contributions, appropriations, earnings and reserves for the payment of obligations under these benefit plans are to be credited to such trusts or funds, and all such pre-funded amounts are to be used solely for the payment of benefit plan obligations and for no other purpose.


The bill also creates the Board of Regents Health Benefit Fund in order to comply with financial reporting, disclosure and actuarial requirements GASB.  The board shall be the trustee of the fund and the Chancellor shall be its administrator.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text