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HB 0649 - Georgia Blueberry Commission; create

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Smith,Tommy 168th
Last Action: 5/12/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: A&CA
Senate Committee: AG&CA

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 649


Chair's Name: Tom McCall


Committee: Agriculture & Consumer Affairs


House Sponsor: Tommy Smith


HB 649 would establish the Agriculture Commodity Commission for Blueberries. Every three years balloting will be conducted to determine whether the commission should continue to operate. Section 2 makes wording changes to the selection process for commission members from the House and Senate Agricultural and exempts members of the blueberry commission from the usual geographical requirements. 

This committee substitute came to the House Floor under the Open Rule.

Further Action

The Senate retained language struck in the House bill requiring commission members to be selected during the legislative session. The Senate also retained the geographical requirements that the House had exempted.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text