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HB 0887 - Tobacco Prevention Master Settlement Agreement Oversight Committee; create

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Butler,Mark 18th
Last Action: 5/14/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: App
Senate Committee: APPROP

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 887


Chair's Name: Ben Harbin


Committee: Appropriations


House Sponsor: Mark Butler

HB 887 establishes the Tobacco Prevention Master Settlement Agreement Oversight Committee. The committee will be made up legislators, citizens, tobacco prevention experts, and representatives from specified health organizations. The members will serve staggered 2 year terms.  The committee will be charged with researching, evaluating, and recommending tobacco prevention programs to the Governor and legislature. The committee will meet at least quarterly and will submit an annual report to the Governor, Lt. Governor, and Speaker.

This committee substitute comes to the Floor under the Open Rule.

Sponsor’s Opinion of the legislation:

This bill addresses the lack of funding for tobacco prevention programs in Georgia. Georgia only has $2.2 million for youth smoking prevention after starting with $24 million. There is a need to look at how the money is being spent and the additional bonus payments coming in from the Master Settlement Agreement. This committee will be charged with finding proven, effective programs in which to invest the tobacco program dollars.


This legislation:

      Reduces the Size of Government and Tax Burden on our Citizens by preventing children from smoking, reducing healthcare costs to Medicaid due to smoking related illnesses.

      Strengthens Families by protecting children and keeping them healthy by preventing bad habits.

      Increases Personal Responsibility by sending the message not to start smoking.

Further Action

The Senate changed the name of the committee, removed a section about applied research projects, and set a sunset date of July 2010 for the committee. The House agreed to the Senate Substitute.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text