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SB 0417 - Transportation Commissioner; required to develop/publish benchmarks; issue reports on the progress of construction projects

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Mullis,Jeff 53rd
Last Action: 5/14/2008 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: TRANS
House Committee: Trans

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

Senate Bill 417


Chairman: Vance Smith




House Sponsor: Vance Smith/Donna Sheldon

Senate Sponsor: Jeff Mullis


This legislation will require the DOT commissioner to develop and publish benchmarks that detail a realistic time frame for completion of the different stages of construction projects. The commissioner will submit a report to the Governor, Lt. Governor, Speaker and Chairman of the House and Senate Transportation Committees that will include the progress of all projects valued at $10 million or more, along with explanations of any projects which are lagging behind their specific benchmarks. The reports must me published on the DOT website and detailed status reports must also be listed on the website.

This bill comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text