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SB 0429 - Agriculture, Dept. of; assigned functions; enforcement of state laws; control of infectious diseases in livestock; change provisions

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Bulloch,John 11th
Last Action: 5/12/2008 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: AG&CA
House Committee: A&CA

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

Senate Bill 429


Chairman: Tom McCall


Committee:Agriculture & Consumer Affairs


House Sponsor: Tom McCall/Ellis Black

Senate Sponsor: John Bulloch

Chairman McCall’s Opinion of the Legislation:

This bill expands the authority of Department of Agriculture’s law enforcement officers by allowing the commissioner to be vested with police powers to enforce all state laws pertaining to functions assigned to the department, and be authorized to employ, designate, and deputize, homeland security investigators with the authority to enforce all state laws pertaining to functions assigned to the department, including the following powers:

- To inspect plants, animals, or products when the same are subject to regulation by the department;

- To stop and inspect any vehicle transporting plants, animals, or products when the same are subject to regulation by the department; and

-  To enforce any state law when the violation of that law is committed in conjunction with a violation of a state law pertaining to functions assigned to the department;

- To enforce any state law when ordered to do so by the Governor or to protect any life or property when the circumstances demand action;

- To assist, at the expense of the department, the Georgia Office of Homeland Security or the Georgia Bureau of Investigation in carrying out their duties and responsibilities when requested to do so by the Georgia Office of Homeland Security or the Georgia Bureau of Investigation; and

- To arrest any person found to be in violation of any state law, the enforcement of which is authorized this bill

This bill comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.

Further Action

The House insisted on it's position and conferees were appointed.

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