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HB 1160 - Transferable development rights; severance; provide

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Walker,Len 107th
Last Action: 5/14/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: Judy
Senate Committee: S JUDY

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 1160


Chair's Name: Wendell Willard


Committee: Judiciary Civil


House Sponsor: Len Walker


Chairman Willard’s Opinion of the legislation:

HB 1160 makes two minor amendments to the transfer of development rights statutes.  Section 1 of the bill makes two minor changes, and defines “transfer ratio.”  Section 2 adds language concerning transfer ratios.  Language is also added to create a registry of TDR’s in each jurisdiction. Section 3 gives affected residents standing to enforce the TDR. These changes were prompted by the need to make these transfers more feasible. HB 1160 encourages growth in areas in which infrastructure already exists, decreasing the need for new state and local government expenditures in currently undeveloped areas. Landowners and developers are provided with an additional way to sell and purchase property rights.

This committee substitute comes to the Floor under the Open Rule.

Further Action

The Senate removed Section 3 of the bill. The House agreed to the Senate Substitute.

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