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SB 0469 - Health; revise definition for personal care home; provide guidelines/oversight of host homes

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Harp,Seth 29th
Last Action: 5/6/2008 - Senate Date Signed by Governor
Senate Committee: H&HS
House Committee: HumR

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

Senate Bill 469


Chairman: Len Walker


Committee:Human Relations & Aging


House Sponsor: John Lunsford

Senate Sponsor: Seth Harp 

SB 469 defines “host homes”, which, in brief, are private residences where the home owners/occupiers, with financial support from DHR, host/care for one or two mentally disabled people who are not related to them. This and other language would clarify that these situations are not “personal care homes”, which are subject to greater regulation.

This bill comes to the House Floor under the Open Rule.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text