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HR 1310 - State Properties Commission; enter into dispute agreements; real property in Butts, Lamar, and Monroe Counties; authorize

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Cole,Jim 125th
Last Action: 5/6/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: SI&P
Senate Committee: SI&P

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Resolution 1310


Chairman: Terry Barnard


Committee: State Institutions & Property


House Sponsor: Jim Cole


Chairman Barnard's opinion of this legislation:

This resolution authorizes the State Properties Commission to enter into appropriate boundary line dispute agreements pertaining to real property in Butts, Lamar, and Monroe counties and the conveyance of these properties. The dividing line between the state dam property and the adjacent homeowners property cannot be established without certainty due to a variety of factors beyond the control of the parties, including wave action, erosion, tree removal, and other land disturbing natural or manmade activities which have occurred since the state acquired the state dam property.

This resolution passed the House under the Open Rule.

Further Action

The Senate Substitute changes language dealing with high-water marks (p.3 lines 11-3), docks (p.3 lines 27-9), and exotic plants (p.3 lines 32-4).

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