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HB 1280 - Alcoholic beverages; regional economic assistance projects; provide state licensing

Tracking Level: Monitor
Sponsor: Stephens,Ron 164th
Last Action: 5/12/2008 - House Date Signed by Governor
House Committee: RegI
Senate Committee: RI&Util

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

House Bill 1280


Chair's Name: Roger Williams


Committee: Regulated Industries


House Sponsor: Ron Stephens


Chairman William’s opinion of this legislation:

This bill allows regional economic assistance projects (REAP) to sell certain alcoholic beverages upon obtaining a state license and a local license if applicable. This bill allows the local government to collect taxes on such sales and authorizes the commissioner to create rules and regulations in regards to this matter. However, it states that in regards to the days and times of such sales the state regulation will supersede the local ordinance. Finally, it removes some provisions related to authorization for sale of alcoholic beverages by certified projects. This bill is the clarification of the current law that was passed to stimulate economic growth in underdeveloped cities.

This committee substitute comes to the House Floor under the Modified Structured Rule.

Further Action

The Senate amendment adds a new section that allows the department of Community Affairs to assist any local government that operates a convention facility to promote regional economic assistance projects.The House disagreed and the Senate has insisted. Both the House and Senate insisted and conferees were appointed.

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