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HJ 0007 - Taxpayer's bill of rights.

Tracking Level: Failed Intro
Sponsor: Chuck Gray
Last Action: 2/16/2018 - Did Not Consider for Introduction Vote
House Committee:
Assigned To:
01 - Taxes and RevenueNext Bill
3-Failed Next Bill

Staff Analysis of the Legislation

This bill is a JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the constitution by creating a new section establishing the taxpayer's bill of rights, prohibits any tax increase by the state or any local government or increase of debt unless approved by the voters, specifies ballot requirements, provides for a refund of excess taxes and for emergency taxes, prohibits increasing state expenditures, provides for distribution of surplus funds, authorizes persons to commence a civil action against state governmental entities and officials, allows the state to intervene in actions, and provides for an award of litigation costs.

Bill Summary from the State Site - Click for the State Summary Page / Click for Current Full Text