Agriculture (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0223 NeutralNo Building Codes for Manure and Dead Animal Storage Buildings Jasperse,Rick 12th
5/11/2011 House Date Signed by Governor A&CA AG&CA -
Agriculture Code Enforcement General County Government Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards

HB 223 exempts structures on farms built primarily to store manure and dead animals from any building codes.


HB 0225 N/AAgriculture; state promote sustainable agriculture; provide Holmes,Susan 125th
5/6/2011 House Date Signed by Governor A&CA AG&CA -
Agriculture Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards

HB 225 establishes that it is the policy of the State to promote sustainable agriculture.

HB 0301 OpposeExpand Exemptions to Truck Weight Limits Benton,Tommy 31st
4/14/2011 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Trans --
Agriculture Econ. Dev. & Transportation Todd Edwards Transportation

This bill expands the special interest groups that receive a variance from weight limit laws to include the transport of organic poultry waste and tree bark. It provides special treatment to chicken waste by doubling the current variance allowed for other industries to 10% or 8,000 extra pounds (4 tons).  Almost every year the General Assembly passes a new exemption to weight limits, which in turn increases the wear and tear on local roads and the costs of maintaining them for local taxpayers. Please let your legislator know you oppose this bill.

HB 0853 OpposeNo Zoning on Chickens, Rabbits and Honey Bees Ehrhart,Earl 36th
2/9/2012 House Committee Favorably Reported A&CA --
Agriculture Animal Control General County Government Land Use/Zoning Nat. Res. & the Environment
Todd Edwards

This bill prohibits cities and counties from enacting any zoning ordinances that either prohibit or require a permit from any residential property owner to grow food crops, chickens, honey bees or rabbits so long as they are raised for human consumption by members of the household. No limits are set on minimum property size or the number of critters raised. 

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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