Water Quantity (14)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0199 NeutralExpand GEFA's Reservoir Fund for Leak Detection and Conservation Lindsey, Edward 54th
1/13/2014 Senate Recommitted NR&E NR&E -
Financing Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Utilities Water Quantity
This legislation expands the uses of the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority's Reservoir Fund to cover leak-detection, conservation-type and other water supply system assets. The Reservoir Fund will be renamed the "Georgia Reservoir and Water Supply Fund." While ACCG certainly recognizes the importance of leak detection and conservation, GEFA currently has about $318 in loaning capacity available for these purposes via its Georgia Fund, Clean Water and Drinking Water loan programs; whereas the Reservoir Fund only has $41 million in loaning capacity.     
HB 0403 OpposeMunicipal Sales Tax for Water and Sewer Emergencies Carter, Amy 175th
3/28/2013 House - House Withdrawn, Recommitted W&M --
Clint Mueller Emergency Management/Preparedness Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
Sales Tax-Local Water Quality Water Quantity
This legislation would expand the use of the special water and sewer projects and costs sales tax to cities under an order of a state or federal court or agency to improve its water and sewer infrastructure if the city is located in a presidentially declared disaster area.
HB 0515 SupportMetropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District; prohibition on interbasin transfer from certain rivers; provide exemption Geisinger, Harry 48th
3/4/2013 House - House Second Readers NR&E --
Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Water Quantity

 This legislation allows the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District to study and plan for interbasin  transfers from rivers with an annual average flow of at least 15 billion gallons per day at the withdrawal point so long as it is approved by the county in which the withdrawal point is located.

HB 0793 OpposeLocals Cannot Accept Any Federal Funds Without State Permission Scot Turner
1/24/2014 House Second Readers GAff --
911 Agriculture Air Quality Appropriations Auditing/Budget
District Attorneys Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Elections Emergency Management/Preparedness
Farm Fire Services General County Government Health and Human Services Indigent Defense
Indigent Health Care Juveniles Land Conservation Law Enforcement Nat. Res. & the Environment
Procurement Public Safety and Courts Public Works Revenue & Finance Sewer/Septage
Shaun Adams Sheriff Solicitors Solid Waste Stormwater
Traffic Enforcement Training Transportation Transportation Funding Trauma Care System
Water Quality Water Quantity
This legislation prohibits counties from receiving any federal funds, whether direct dollars, loans or grants, unless the Generally Assembly has "expressly and specifically" approved the acceptance. 
HB 0864 EvaluatingReturning Water to Stream of Origin - Meet Mandates or No New Connections Johnnie Caldwell Jr.
1/31/2014 House Second Readers NR&E --
Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Water Quantity
This legislation is similar to bills introduced every session. Beginning July 1, 2016, any local government/authority/utility withdrawing water must measure how much water it withdraws from a source and how much treated water it returns to that same source on a monthly basis. In 2016, the government/utility must return 25 percent of the water to the source; by 2019, it must return 50 percent to the source; and by 2024, it must return 75 percent or the source. If the local government does not meet these mandated targets, monthly, its water system will not be allowed to provide any new water service connections until targets are met.
HB 0926 EvaluatingPrivate Water/Sewer Systems - Locals Cannot Require Transfer Ron Stephens
2/7/2014 House Second Readers SP&CA --
Nat. Res. & the Environment Sewer/Septage Todd Edwards Water Quantity
This bill prohibits local governments (outside the Metro Atlanta Water Planning District) from requiring the transfer of ownership of privately-constructed water or sewer systems to the government if the system is not to be hooked up to the local government's water or sewer system. Furthermore local governments cannot require the transfer of ownership as a condition for the approval or issuance of local permits. The bill exempts publicly-owned water/sewer systems with at least 200 active connections as of January 1, 2014, and does not apply to new privately-owned systems within a mile of a publicly-owned water/sewer system.
HR 1055 SupportBiggert-Waters Flood Insurance Act Alex Atwood
2/17/2014 House Passed/Adopted Ins --
Emergency Management/Preparedness General County Government Insurance Leg Update Draft Nat. Res. & the Environment
Public Safety and Courts Shaun Adams Water Quantity

This legislation encourages the United States Congress to repeal or amend the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 to make flood insurance more affordable.

HR 1279 NeutralSavannah River Basin; development of water management plan; encourage Alan Powell
3/7/2014 House Passed/Adopted NR&E --
Local Legislation Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quantity
HR 1305 NeutralCEBLA Water Supply Task Force; create Ron Stephens
2/17/2014 House Second Readers NR&E --
General County Government Local Legislation Nat. Res. & the Environment Water Quality Water Quantity
SB 0213 NeutralFlint River Drought Protection Act Revision Tolleson, Ross 20th
7/1/2014 Effective Date A&CA NR&E -
Leg Update Draft Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Water Quantity

This legislation makes several revisions to the Flint River Drought Protection Act. Among those, it calls for the Department of Agriculture and the State Soil and Water Conservation Commission to work with EPD to look at enhancing programs and incentives to support agricultural water efficiency measures, support pilot projects on innovative irrigation technologies, identify ways for measuring agricultural uses of water, and encourage the retirement of unused surface and ground water farm permits. The EPD Director may modify all farm water permits to reach scheduled efficiencies by 2020 in "affected areas" (all areas in which groundwater flow affects the Flint, or where drainage into Spring Creek, Ichawaynochaway Creek, Kinchafoonee Creek and Muckalee Creek occurs).  If the state is augmenting stream flows to help protect aquatic life habitat, the EPD Director can notify downstream surface water permit holders not to use the increased flows in said affected areas.  Several other provisions are included.           

SB 0242 WatchDowntown Development Authorities Hill, Hunter 6th
5/6/2013 Senate - Effective Date EU&T SLGO -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Nat. Res. & the Environment Shaun Adams Water Quantity

 This legislation changes a provision of the Downtown Development Authority Act.

SB 0361 NeutralGeorgia Geospatial Advisory Council Buddy Carter
7/1/2014 Effective Date NR&E NR&E -
Emergency Management/Preparedness General County Government Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Shaun Adams
Water Quantity
This legislation would create the Georgia Geospatial Advisory Council. The Council will audit the geospatial capabilities at the state and local level. The audit shall make recommendations for utilizing geospatial data capabilities to meet FEMA notification requirements, recommendations for moving forward to achieve governmental data interoperability and enhanced delivery of services to Georgia's citizens through the geospatial approach. 
SR 0747 SupportBiggert-Waters Flood Insurance Act William Ligon Jr.
3/3/2014 Senate Passed/Adopted -I&L -
Emergency Management/Preparedness Leg Update Draft Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Shaun Adams
Water Quantity
This legislation encourages the United States Congress to repeal or amend the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 to make flood insurance more affordable. 
SR 0820 EvaluatingSenate Entrepreneur in Residence Study Committee Judson Hill
3/18/2014 Senate Passed/Adopted -ECD -
Business and Occupation Tax Code Enforcement Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government
Immigration Land Use/Zoning Nat. Res. & the Environment Property Tax Revenue & Finance
Sales Tax-Local Sewer/Septage Shaun Adams Transportation Water Quantity

 This legislation creates the Senate Entrepreneur in Residence Study Committee to examine impediments to entrepreneurs. The program would have two objectives:  (1) to identify within government inefficient and overlapping programs that negatively impact entrepreneurs trying to start or expand a business, and to recommend solutions; and, (2) to serve as a visible advocate and mentor for entrepreneurs within the government, a point of contact who knows and understands their needs, concerns, and frustrations with regard to dealing with government.

The entrepreneur in residence would:

1. Assist in providing outreach to entrepreneurs and small businesses;

2. Provide recommendations on ways to streamline and improve government procedures impacting entrepreneurs;

3. Recommend ways to improve programs available to entrepreneurs;

4. Facilitate meetings and forums to educate entrepreneurs on programs and requirements;

5. Provide technical assistance or guidance to entreprenuers in navigating government programs and requirements;

6. Participate in informal working groups of entrepreneurs in residence from various agencies established to discuss best practices, experiences, obstacles, opportunities, and recommendations. 

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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