Revenue & Finance (169)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0001 NeutralGeorgia Uniform Civil Forfeiture Procedure Act Wendell Willard
2/7/2014 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judy --
Auditing/Budget Civil Procedure Clerk of Court Criminal Procedure Debra Nesbit
District Attorneys Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Health and Human Services Indigent Defense
Law Enforcement Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Revenue and Finance Sheriff
Superior Court
This legislation is a restructuring of the Civil Forfeiture Procedure Act which impacts drug forfeitures and seizures.  This statute is one of law enforcement's most effective tools in bringing down criminal enterprises. The district attorney, through a judicial process, can seize cars, cash and property of drug dealers and other criminals.  Many county commissioners refer to this forfeited property as drug fund money. The funds and property are used for law enforcement training, equipment and investigative expenses. The revised HB 1 standardizes the reporting requirements for law enforcement, and creates a new process for district attorney forfeiture funds.
HB 0042 OpposePartial Sales Tax Exemption on Manufactured Homes Sims, Chuck 169th
1/16/2013 House - House Second Readers W&M --
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
HB 42 is identical to HB 62.  This bill provides for a completely different method of calculating the amount of sales tax due on mobile homes. Rather than a percentage of sales price, it will be calculated at 60% of the manufacturer's invoice amount. Additionally, this bill provides a complete sales tax exemption for the retail sale of pre-owned mobile homes.
HB 0062 OpposeSales and use tax; manner and method of imposing and collecting on certain manufactured single-family structures; change Kidd, E. Culver "Rusty" 145th
1/17/2013 House - House Second Readers W&M --
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
HB 62 is identical to HB 42.  This bill provides for a completely different method of calculating the amount of state sales tax due on mobile homes. Rather than a % of sales price, it will be calculated at 60% of the manufacturer's invoice amount. It is unclear if this % calculation is intended to affect local sales and use tax.  Additionally, this bill provides a complete exemption from BOTH state and local sales and use tax for the retail sale of pre-owned mobile homes.
HB 0080 NeutralChanges to Vehicle Tax Reform Rice, Tom 95th
2/14/2013 Senate - Senate Read and Referred W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Property Tax Revenue & Finance Tags/Titles Tax Commissioner
This legislation is a substantial revision of the new state and local title ad valorem tax (TAVT) system. Among other things, the bill changes how fair market value is determined; exempts commercial trucks (IRP vehicles) used for moving products interstate from the new system and continues them under the apportioned ad valorem tax; changes registration procedures; changes numerous items regarding dealers who directly finance sales; changes numerous items regarding leases; and provides for new criminal penalties. 
Please have your finance officials and tax commissioner review the proposed changes and provide feedback to Clint Mueller at ACCG. Click here for a summary of the proposed changes.
HB 0105 NeutralAmended Budget FY 2013 Ralston, David 7th
3/27/2013 House - Effective Date App APPROP -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Revenue & Finance
This legislation is the state's supplemental budget for the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2013.
HB 0106 NeutralState Budget FY 2014 Ralston, David 7th
5/7/2013 House - Effective Date App APPROP -
Appropriations Debra Nesbit Revenue & Finance
This legislation is the state's budget for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014.
HB 0112 SupportTax Accountability Act of 2013; enact Mosby, Howard 83rd
1/30/2013 House - House Second Readers W&M --
Business and Occupation Tax Clint Mueller Property Tax Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill purports to impose restrictions on the enactment process of any bills proposing any tax exemptions, exclusions, deductions, credits, deferrals, or preferential rates.
HB 0127 SupportRedirected Fees - Having Fees Appropriated for Designated Purposes Powell, Jay 171st
3/5/2013 Senate - Senate Read and Referred App APPROP -
Appropriations Clerk of Court District Attorneys Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government
Indigent Defense Law Enforcement Nat. Res. & the Environment Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance
Solicitors Solid Waste Todd Edwards Training
This legislation, one of ACCG's top priorities, seeks to halt the now-common state practice of redirecting fees from their designated purposes to the state's general fund for other uses.  If fees for the Solid Waste Trust Fund, Hazardous Waste Trust Fund, Indigent Defense, Peace Officers and Prosecutors Training Fund and teen driver's education are not appropriated for their intended use, the fees will be reduced or eliminated, proportionate to the amount that is redirected. 
While the Senate once again halted this legislation, HB 276 did pass both chambers, applying the above fee-reduction mechanism to the Hazardous and Solid Waste Trust Funds.    
Click here for ACCG's HB 127 Press Release
Click here for ACCG's sectional summary of HB 127
Click here for ACCG's implementation timeline for HB 127        
HB 0148 SupportTax Accountability Act Alexander, Kimberly 66th
2/1/2013 House - House Second Readers W&M --
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance
This legislation requires a tax exemption bill to be introduced in the first year of the biennial legislative session and eligible for passage in the second year after the bill has been studied and a fiscal analysis conducted.
HB 0153 NeutralAuthorization to Impose a Fractional SPLOST Carson, John 46th
3/13/2014 House Disagrees Senate Amend/Sub W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This legislation authorizes a county to request a fractional percentage Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST). There must be an intergovernmental agreement with the cities making up at least 50 percent of the municipal population to request the fractional SPLOST in a referendum. Counties could have multiple fractional SPLOSTs collected at the same time as long as the combined fractions do not exceed 1 percent.
HB 0159 OpposeProhibit All Fees and Assessments on the Property Tax Bill Harrell, Brett 106th
3/28/2013 House - House Withdrawn, Recommitted W&M --
Clint Mueller Property Tax Revenue & Finance Tax Commissioner
This legislation would prohibit counties from placing any fees or assessments on the property tax bill.  This would include fees for solid waste, storm water, street lights, speed bumps and fire services.  It would also require partial payments to be applied to ad valorem taxes before any fees.
HB 0164 EvaluatingSales Tax Exemption on Aircraft Maintenance Atwood, Alex 179th
7/1/2013 House - Effective Date W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill extends the sunset for two year on the sales tax exemption for engines, parts, or equipment used in the maintenance and repair of aircraft registered out of state.
HB 0173 SupportMaintenance and Repair Eligible for SPLOST Tankersley, Jan 160th
2/4/2013 House - House Second Readers W&M --
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This legislation authorizes a county to spend up to 15 percent of the revenues from a future SPLOST on maintenance and repair activities.  The authorized percentage would have to be approved in a SPLOST referendum and could only be used to fund maintenance and repair on capital projects acquired through SPLOST. 
HB 0183 SupportImmigration Reform Enhancements to Create Regulatory Efficiencies Jasperse, Rick 11th
2/5/2013 House - House Second Readers I&L --
Alcohol/Tobacco Auditing/Budget General County Government Immigration Insurance
Personnel/Employment Procurement Public Works Retirement Revenue & Finance
Todd Edwards
This legislation addresses one of ACCG's top priorities this session. To reduce paperwork and bureaucratic morass in complying with Georgia's illegal immigration reform laws, HB 183 consolidates three local government immigration reporting mandates to one report, due once a year, to one agency; no longer mandates that businesses seeking business licenses, occupation tax certificiates  or other documents required to operate a business submit E-Verify information to local governments annually, but just once; eliminates "contracts" as a public benefit; allows those submitting documents to local governments to prove immigration status to do so by mail; and allows legal U.S. citizens to only have to prove their citizenship by affidavit once, rather than annually, to receive public benefits from the same agency. 
For ACCG's Sectional Summary of HB 183, please click here.   
For ACCG's one-stop Web shop on all things immigration for Georgia's county governments, please click here.      
HB 0185 NeutralSelling Distilled Spirits Directly from Distillery Kidd, E. Culver "Rusty" 145th
2/5/2013 House - House Second Readers RegI --
Alcohol/Tobacco General County Government Land Use/Zoning Revenue & Finance Todd Edwards
This legislation allows the Georgia Department of Revenue to permit distilleries to sell package liquor in limited quantity.
HB 0190 OpposeSales and use tax; kidney dialysis equipment; provide exemption Stephens, Ron 164th
2/5/2013 House - House Second Readers W&M --
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill creates a new sales and use tax exemption for kidney dialysis equipment. It has no sunset provision.
HB 0193 NeutralExtend Sales Tax Exemption for Certain Non-profits Stephens, Ron 164th
5/7/2013 House Date Signed by Governor W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local
This bill reinstates the sales tax exemption for several charitable purposes. These include exemptions for food purchased by qualified food banks, food donated for disaster relief, purchases by certain nonprofit health clinics and purchases by Goodwill Industries Inc. The restored exemptions will sunset in two years.
HB 0195 NeutralSpecial District Transportation Sales and Use Tax Setzler, Ed 35th
1/16/2014 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Trans --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local Shaun Adams
This legislation makes substantial revisions to TSPLOST. It allows any two counties to levy as long as they are contiguous and located in a special district that rejected the imposition of the tax in 2012.
HB 0197 OpposeChanges to Forest Land Conservation Use Program Powell, Jay 171st
7/1/2013 House - Effective Date W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Property Tax Revenue & Finance

This legislation makes changes related to property in a Forest Land Protection Covenant (FLPA), the Department of Revenue Performance Review Boards and the interest owed on taxes due after an appeal is settled.

HB 0216 OpposeExempt Vehicles Inherited From Title Ad Valorem Tax Jones, Sheila 53rd
2/7/2013 House - House Second Readers Judy --
Clint Mueller General County Government Revenue & Finance Tags/Titles Tax Commissioner
This legislation allows title to a vehicle to be transferred without a fee if it is transferred due to the death of the owner.
HB 0250 SupportEnergy Excise Tax Revisions Rice, Tom 95th
5/6/2013 House - Effective Date W&M FIN -
Revenue & Finance Shaun Adams
This legislation makes administrative changes to the implementation, collection and distribution of the energy excise tax.
Click here for a complete review of the bill.
HB 0266 NegotiatingChanges to the New Process for Taxing Motor Vehicles Peake, Allen 141st
3/5/2013 House - Effective Date W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance
This legislation makes several changes to the new system for taxing motor vehicles.   
HB 0275 SupportPublic benefits; no longer require applicant to establish United States citizenship repeatedly Bentley, Patty 139th
2/12/2013 House - House Second Readers JudyNC --
Alcohol/Tobacco Business and Occupation Tax General County Government Immigration Personnel/Employment
Revenue & Finance Todd Edwards
This legislation specifies that individuals applying to the county for "public benefits" (e.g., health benefits, retirement benefits, occupation tax registration, as well as licenses for alcoholic beverages, taxi cabs, auctioneers, massage therapist, billiard rooms, flea markets, precious metals and gems dealers, peddlers, transient businesses, fortune tellers, etc.) who have previously filed a SAVE ("Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements) affidavit with the county do not have to file additional affidavits for each public benefit. 
HB 0276 SupportHazardous Waste Trust Fund - Fixing the Redirection of Fees Nimmer, Chad 178th
5/7/2013 House Date Signed by Governor NR&E NR&E -
Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons Nat. Res. & the Environment Revenue & Finance Todd Edwards
This legislation renews the fees that make up the Hazardous Waste Trust Fund (hazardous waste transporting, disposal, and the state's 75-cent-per-ton solid waste tipping fees, among others) for five years, from July 1, 2013 to July 1, 2018. Since 2004, over 60 percent of these fees have been redirected to the state's general fund, not going toward their statutorily-dedicated purpose of cleaning up hazardous sites, including old county landfills. 
The bill applies a fee-reduction mechanism (also found in HB 127) to fix the redirection of HWTF and Solid Waste Trust Fund fees.  If fees for these two trust funds are not appropriated for their designated purposes, then the fees will be proportionately reduced the following year.
Addressing the redirection of these fees was one of ACCG's policy priorities this legislative session. 
Click here for a chart and summary of the HWTF's redirected fees since 2004.
Click here for a chart and summary of the SWTF's redirected fees since 2004.   
HB 0295 SupportProperty Tax Administration and Appeals Battles, Paul 15th
3/20/2014 Senate Conference Committee Appointed 9th, 51st, 32nd W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Property Tax Revenue & Finance Tax Commissioner
This legislation provides for the comprehensive revision of provisions regarding ad valorem taxation, assessment, and appeal. The bill was amended this week in the Senate Finance Committee. Please review the summary of amendments and provide any comments or concerns to ACCG. The mandated salary supplement to the Superior Court Clerk for providing administrative support to the Board of Equalization was removed from the bill.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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