Legislation Assigned to the Senate ECD Committee (6)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0128 NeutralGeorgia Downtown Renaissance Investment Act Peake, Allen 141st
4/16/2014 House Date Signed by Governor W&M ECD -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Shaun Adams
This legislation creates the Georgia Downtown Renaissance Investment Act which will encourage investment in downtown areas through multiple funding mechanisms, promote economic development, and provide for other matters.
HB 0338 NeutralGeorgia Council for the Arts Wilkinson, Joe 52nd
7/1/2013 House - Effective Date ED&T ECD -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Shaun Adams
This legislation changes the makeup of the Georgia Council for the Arts to include a focus on the role of arts in economic development.  The legislation also charges the Council with the task of assisting local governments with planning, building and connecting the arts to tourism, community and economic development initiatives.
SB 0137 NeutralAuthorizes Commissioner of Economic Development to Designate Opportunity Zones Jeffares, Rick 17th
5/6/2013 Senate - Effective Date W&M ECD -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Revenue & Finance Shaun Adams
This legislation authorizes the Commissioner of Economic Development to designate areas as opportunity zones except for areas where one or more census tracts adjacent to a federal military installation where pervasive poverty is evidenced by a 15% poverty rate or greater as reflected in the most recent decennial census.
SB 0177 NeutralGeorgia Tourism Foundation; change the membership Ginn, Frank 47th
7/1/2013 Senate - Effective Date ED&T ECD -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Shaun Adams
This legislation changes the composition of the Georgia Tourism Foundation to allow the Governor to appoint members from the Board of Economic Development and others. The hope is to reactivate the Foundation for its original intended purpose which is to solicit and accept money and in kind contributions for the Statewide Tourism Marketing Program which will help attract industry to Georgia. This is another tool in the Economic Development toolbox for Georgia. 
SB 0353 NeutralDevelopment Authorities Clean-Up Brandon Beach
3/10/2014 House Withdrawn, Recommitted ED&T ECD -
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local Shaun Adams

This legislation makes changes to the development authority law including a provision that no longer requires the Attorney General or the district attorney to appear in validation hearings or subsequent proceedings. In their absence, the authority shall bear the burden of making their case for bond validation.

SR 0820 EvaluatingSenate Entrepreneur in Residence Study Committee Judson Hill
3/18/2014 Senate Passed/Adopted -ECD -
Business and Occupation Tax Code Enforcement Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government
Immigration Land Use/Zoning Nat. Res. & the Environment Property Tax Revenue & Finance
Sales Tax-Local Sewer/Septage Shaun Adams Transportation Water Quantity

 This legislation creates the Senate Entrepreneur in Residence Study Committee to examine impediments to entrepreneurs. The program would have two objectives:  (1) to identify within government inefficient and overlapping programs that negatively impact entrepreneurs trying to start or expand a business, and to recommend solutions; and, (2) to serve as a visible advocate and mentor for entrepreneurs within the government, a point of contact who knows and understands their needs, concerns, and frustrations with regard to dealing with government.

The entrepreneur in residence would:

1. Assist in providing outreach to entrepreneurs and small businesses;

2. Provide recommendations on ways to streamline and improve government procedures impacting entrepreneurs;

3. Recommend ways to improve programs available to entrepreneurs;

4. Facilitate meetings and forums to educate entrepreneurs on programs and requirements;

5. Provide technical assistance or guidance to entreprenuers in navigating government programs and requirements;

6. Participate in informal working groups of entrepreneurs in residence from various agencies established to discuss best practices, experiences, obstacles, opportunities, and recommendations. 

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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