Legislation Assigned to the House GAff Committee (63)
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Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0026 NegotiatingElections- Elector to Vote in Any Precinct of County Bruce, Roger 61st
1/28/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards

 This legislation gives election superintendents the authority to allow voters to cast their votes in any precinct in the county, so long as certain safeguards are provided.

HB 0041 NeutralEthics- Limitation on Fee for Speaking Engagement Smith, Earnest 125th
1/14/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits county officials from receiving anything valued at more than $100 to speak, participate in a seminar or discussion panel or other activity.  This $100 limit does not apply to actual and reasonable expenses for food, beverages, travel, lodging and registration for the meeting at which the official is participating.
HB 0046 NegotiatingElections- Authorize Inspection of Absentee Ballots by Candidate Turner, Scot 21st
1/15/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation allows candidates to inspect and copy absentee ballots up to two years after the date of the election or primary. The reproductions of such absentee ballots shall be at the expense of the candidate and shall occur at a reasonable time and place as determined by the custodian of the absentee ballots.
HB 0073 NeutralElections- Allow Local Law for District Durational Residency Turner, Scot 21st
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor GAff SLGO -
Elections General County Government Local Legislation Todd Edwards
This legislation allows the General Assembly to pass local legislation requiring residency with a particular district for candidates seeking election to the board of commissioners. General law requires candidates for county commissioner to reside in their county for at least 12 months.  HB 73 allows the General Assembly to require a candidate reside within the district from which they are elected for up to 12 months.  Counties with longer district residency requirements should consult with their county attorney.
HB 0095 NeutralAuthority to Separate Local Government Investment Pool (Georgia Fund 1) from State Pool Tanner, Kevin 9th
7/1/2015 Effective Date GAff SLGO -
Clint Mueller General County Government Revenue & Finance

This legislation allows funds in the Local Government Investment Pool to be invested in a separate trust fund to be administered by the state treasurer.  This change is needed for auditing purposes and should not have any impact on county funds invested in the LGIP.

HB 0097 NegotiatingProhibit Counties From Entering Into Non-Disclosure Agreements Turner, Scot 21st
2/9/2015 House Withdrawn Bill/Res Consideration GAff --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation Economic Development General County Government Open Records/Meetings Act Procurement
Todd Edwards

This legislation prohibits counties from entering into any nondisclosure agreements with other parties. Any offers, incentives, terms or conditions would be required to be disclosed without delay. Any citizen of the state may sue to enforce this law and compel the disclosure of the information in the agreement. ACCG believes it is important preserve project and prospect confidentiality prior to the announcement of a project.   

HB 0113 NeutralElections- Non-Partisan Elections for Probate and Magistrate Judges Willard, Wendell 51st
1/29/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Elections General County Government Magistrate Court Probate Court Public Safety and Courts
Todd Edwards
This legislation allows for the non-partisan election of probate and magistrate judges during the primary.
HB 0121 NeutralElections- Secretary of State Clean-Up Bill Hamilton, Mark 24th
1/11/2016 Senate Recommitted GAff ETHICS -
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation changes the requirements for write-in candidates, as well as transfer of voter registration when a voter moves. 
HB 0124 OpposeAnimal Control - No Dog Regulations Based on Breed Yates, John 73rd
1/29/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Animal Control General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits counties from enacting breed-specific regulation of dogs.  ACCG believes that counties are able to decide for themselves what type of animal control ordinances best suit their respective jurisdictions.  
HB 0129 NeutralFluoridate Water - Counties Can Decide Stover, David 71st
1/29/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Health and Human Services Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Water Quality
This legislation allows counties, via the adoption of a resolution, the option of being included or excluded from the Department of Natural Resources' requirement to fluoridate potable water.  Current law requires 10 percent of the voters in the last election to sign a petition, then approval through a referendum, to opt out of water fluoridation.  The challenge will be with a water system serving multiple political jurisdictions, when some may opt out and others not.    
HB 0130 NegotiatingElections- Timely Process Act Bentley, Patty 139th
2/2/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation requires the Secretary of State's Office and county voter registration officials to process voter registration applications within 45 days of receipt.  
HB 0133 OpposeService Contracts - Mandated County Provisions Holcomb, Scott 81st
2/2/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
General County Government Procurement Todd Edwards
This legislation requires all service contracts with counties to include specific performance and cost parameters, as well as provisions allowing the county to terminate the contract if the parameters are not met, if the annual cost exceeds the amount established in the contract, or if the contractor fails to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Contractors will be required to provide quarterly reports about their compliance with the criteria, as well as the county's costs pursuant to the contract.  Counties can already adopt these provisions in their service contracts and state requirements are not needed.  
HB 0146 NegotiatingElections- Permanent Portable Registration Act Frazier, Gloria 126th
2/2/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation establishes new procedures to allow registered voters who have moved or had a name change to vote on election day.  It also requires the Secretary of State to have the voter registration list of addresses compared to the United States Post Office's address list on a monthly basis. 
HB 0165 NeutralSouth Fulton, City of; provide a charter Bruce, Roger 61st
2/3/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Local Legislation
HB 0192 NeutralCounty Purchasing/Credit Cards & Development Authorities May Spend on Hospital/Health Facilities Powell, Alan 32nd
7/1/2015 Effective Date GAff SLGO -
Clerk of Court Compensation Coroners/Medical Examiners County Surveyor Econ. Dev. & Transportation
Financing General County Government Health and Human Services Indigent Health Care Magistrate Court
Probate Court Procurement Public Safety and Courts Sheriff Solicitors
State Court Tax Commissioner Todd Edwards
If a local government issues purchase cards or credit cards to its elected officials, this bill requires cards to be used solely for public duties and officials to follow a written policy to be adopted via a local ordinance on or after January 1, 2016. Said policy must designate the officials authorized to use a card; require the user to sign a cardholder agreement; set transaction limits; describe purchases which are authorized and not authorized; designate a card administrator; and set procedures for addressing violations of card policies and penalties for violations including, but not limited to, revocation of card privileges and misdemeanor prosecution.  Penalties for public officials who misuse public funds are clarified and increased.  Lastly, language was added clarifying that local development authorities are authorized to expend funds for hospital and health care facilities - which are defined rather broadly. For a more detailed summary, please click here.       
HB 0194 NeutralEarly Voting - Reduce from 21 to 12 Days Hamilton, Mark 24th
4/2/2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted GAff --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation reduces the total duration of advance voting to 12 days including Saturday and Sunday. Saturday polling hours shall be from 9am to 4pm and Sunday hours may be from 12pm to 4pm and no later than 6pm.
This legislation was amended in full committee to provide that counties shall choose either the second Sunday or third Saturday for the advanced voting period rather than requiring every Saturday or Sunday during that time.  
HB 0318 NeutralRegional Commissions - Dues are Optional Stover, David 71st
2/17/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Econ. Dev. & Transportation General County Government Health and Human Services Insurance Premium Tax Revenue & Finance
Todd Edwards
This legislation stipulates that both cities and counties pay dues to their regional commission based on their respective incorporated and unincorporated residents. County dues must come from their insurance premium tax or other solely-unincorporated revenue source(s). Furthermore, regional commission dues, thus membership, would be optional for counties and cities.
HB 0330 NeutralElections- Non-Partisan Elections for Sheriffs Sharper, Dexter 177th
2/17/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Elections General County Government Public Safety and Courts Sheriff Todd Edwards
This legislation requires that sheriffs be elected in nonpartisan elections. 
HB 0332 WatchIncrease Qualifications for Coroners Sharper, Dexter 177th
2/17/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Coroners/Medical Examiners Debra Nesbit Elections General County Government Public Safety and Courts
This legislation requires an individual desiring to run for coroner to be licensed as a practical nurse, certified by the Georgia Composite Medical Board or the Department of Public Health, trained in emergency care techniques in a paramedic training course, or has at least two years of study in certain medical programs.
HB 0333 NeutralNonpartisan Elections for Coroners Sharper, Dexter 177th
2/17/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Coroners/Medical Examiners Elections General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards
This legislation requires coroners to run on a nonpartisan election.
HB 0360 NeutralAnnexation by Referendum - Majority Vote in both the Area to be Annexed and Existing Municipality Required Beskin, Beth 54th
2/18/2015 House Second Readers GAff --
Annexation/Municipalization Elections General County Government Todd Edwards

Current law will permit an annexation through the referendum method if the voters in the area to be annexed approve by a majority vote. This legislation requires both a majority vote by those in the area to be annexed as well as those in the existing municipality seeking the annexation. Failure to secure a majority vote in either area requires a two-year waiting period before the annexation can be attempted again.

HB 0370 SupportAuthorize Ethics Commission to Waive Certain Penalties of Local Officials Fleming, Barry 121st
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor GAff ETHICS -
Ethics General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation, while covering multiple issues last session, now just authorizes the Georgia Government Transparency and Campaign Finance Commission to waive penalties improperly assessed against local elected officials who did not file, filed late, or filed an incomplete contribution disclosure report or personal financial disclosure statement from Jan. 1, 2010 to Jan. 10, 2014.  Said reports may again be filed in paper format for a fee of $40. Up until December 31, 2016, there is a grace period for those who did not file, filed late, or filed an incomplete report in that four-year period whereby the public official will be deemed in compliance.        

HB 0385 NeutralAssign Reponsibility For Determining Cost Adjustment for Providing Medical Records from OPB to the Deparment of Community Health Nimmer, Chad 178th
7/1/2015 Effective Date GAff GvtO -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services
This legislation transfers the responsibility of determining the annual cost adjustment for providing medical records from the Office of Planning and Budget to the Department of Community Health.
HB 0386 NeutralAbolishment of the Georgia Coordinating Committee for Rural and Human Services Transportation Nimmer, Chad 178th
7/1/2015 Effective Date GAff GvtO -
Debra Nesbit Econ. Dev. & Transportation Health and Human Services Indigent Health Care Transportation
This legislation eliminates the Georgia Coordinating Committee for Rural and Human Services Transportation, which studied the way that transportation services are provided by schools, Department of Transportation, Department of Human services, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities, Department of Community Health, Department of Public Health, Department of Labor, the Governor's Development Council, and the Department of Community Affairs.
HB 0432 NeutralDeannexation - Create Unincorporated Island if Territory is Simultaneously Annexed by another City Raffensperger, Brad 50th
5/12/2015 House Date Signed by Governor GAff SLGO -
Annexation/Municipalization General County Government Todd Edwards

This legislation allows the deannexation of territory by a local act of the General Assembly to create an unincorporated island if said territory is simultaneously annexed into another municipality on the same date as the deannexation - thus eliminating the island.

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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