Legislation Assigned to the Senate GvtO Committee (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0766 NeutralAuthorize Counties to Display Foundation of American Law Benton,Tommy 31st
5/1/2012 House Date Signed by Governor GAff GvtO -
General County Government Todd Edwards

Current state statute authorizes counties to display the Foundations of American Law and Government in judicial buildings. HB 766 would expand this statute to authorize said display in any public building. Examples of the Foundations of American Law include the Ten Commandments, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, Magna Carta and Bill of Rights.

HB 0863 NeutralState purchasing; purchases without competitive bidding; change certain provisions Hatchett,Matt 143rd
5/1/2012 House Date Signed by Governor SI&P GvtO -
General County Government Procurement Todd Edwards

This bill increases, from $5,000 to $25,000, the amount that state agencies do not have to put out for competitive bid.  It also redefines and revises the definitions relative to small business assistance to include a "Georgia Resident Business". 

SB 0026 NegotiatingGun Law - No Prohibitions During State of Emergency Shafer,David 48th
4/14/2011 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judy GvtO -
Emergency Management/Preparedness Firearms/Carry Laws General County Government Public Safety and Courts Todd Edwards

This bill prohibits the state or local governments from limiting the carry of firearms, from those legally licensed to do so, during official states of emergency or any other time.  Those aggrieved may bring civil action to have their firearm returned and, should they prevail, be awarded reasonable attorney fees.        

SB 0223 NeutralGeorgia Government Accountability Act; establish; create Legislative Sunset Advisory Committee; authorize to review/evaluate state agencies', productivity, efficiency, and responsiveness Ligon, Jr.,William 3rd
1/30/2012 Senate Conference Committee Report Adopted B&FAO GvtO -
Clint Mueller General County Government Revenue & Finance
SB 0424 NeutralExpands Locations Where Foundations of American Law Can be Displayed Heath,Bill 31st
3/21/2012 House Committee Favorably Reported GAff GvtO -
General County Government Shaun Adams
This bill extends the locations where Foundations of America Law and Government Displays may appear from courthouses and judicial facilities to any public building. The documets coverered under the Foundation of American Law are: (1) The Mayflower Compact;(2) The Ten Commandments as extracted from Exodus Chapter 20;(3) The Declaration of Independence;(4) Magna Carta;(5) "The Star-Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key;(6) The national motto;(7) The Preamble to the Georgia Constitution;(8) The Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution; and (9) The description on the image of Lady Justice. The bill did not pass.

SB 0508 EvaluatingLocal Government Public Works Bids - "May" Accept the Lowest Bid Hill,Judson 32nd
3/5/2012 Senate Read Second Time -GvtO -
General County Government Procurement Todd Edwards
Under current public works bidding law, local governments "shall" award contracts to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the invitation for bids.  SB 508 changes the "shall" to a "may."   
SR 0055 N/AHealth Care Freedom of Choice Constitutional Amendment-CA Hill,Judson 32nd
3/7/2011 Senate Notice to Reconsider -GvtO -
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Indigent Health Care Insurance Insurance
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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