Legislation Assigned to the Senate RULES Committee (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0757 NeutralReligious Protection - Cannot be Forced to Open on the Sabbath and Pastor Protection Tanner, Kevin 9th
3/28/2016 House Date Signed by Governor Judy RULES -
General County Government Todd Edwards

This legislation prohibits cities and counties from requiring, by ordinance or resolution, businesses or industries to operate on either of the two rest days of Saturday or Sunday. Efforts to exempt businesses contracting with a local government to provide such services as ambulance, taxi, water, sewer, etc. were soundly rejected. Additionally, no minister, cleric or religious practitioner shall be required to solemnize any marriage, perform any rite, or administer any sacrament in violation of his or her right to the free exercise of religion.          

SB 0284 EvaluatingFirst Amendment Defense Act of Georgia Kirk, Greg 13th
1/22/2016 Senate Read and Referred -RULES -
General County Government Government Immunity Immigration Personnel/Employment Probate Court
Property Tax Public Safety and Courts Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local Tax Commissioner
Todd Edwards
This legislation prohibits the state and local governments from taking any disciplinary action against a person/employee for believing, speaking or acting in accordance with a belief that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman or that sexual relations are immoral outside of wedlock.  Persons aggrieved by having these beliefs violated may go to court to obtain special damages, a declaratory judgment, or injunctive or other relief against the government.
SR 0451 EvaluatingSenate Alternatives to Transportation Funding Study Committee; create Jones, Burt 25th
1/11/2016 Senate Recommitted -RULES -
Clint Mueller Econ. Dev. & Transportation Revenue & Finance Transportation Funding
 This resolution creates the Senate Alternatives to Transportation Funding Study Committee and makes several key points: (1) transportation is critical to state economic competitiveness; (2) new sources and methods of funding transportation projects are needed; (3) numerous tax credits have been enacted based upon the asserted need to attract or retain business and these need to be identified to determine the dollar amount they are removing from the general fund and how much of that dollar amount could be appropriated to transportation; and (4) authorities such as the Georgia Ports Authority show how this is a good operational model for running a transportation hub and this model should be examined as a way of improving the Atlanta airport by converting its management to an authority.
SR 0609 SupportStudy Committee on Annexation, Deannexation and Incorporation Parent, Elena 42nd
3/31/2015 Senate Passed/Adopted -RULES -
Annexation/Municipalization General County Government Todd Edwards

This legislation creates the Senate Annexation, Deannexation and Incorporation Study Committee. The study committee is to submit its recommendations to the General Assembly prior to the 2016 legislative session.  

To view ACCG's recommendations to the study committee, please click here.  

Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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