Legislation Sponsored by Knight,David 126th (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0168 SupportConformance with Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement Knight,David 126th
4/27/2011 House Date Signed by Governor W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance

This legislation changes several definitions in the sales and use tax code to make Georgia eligible to be a full participant in the National Streamlined Sales Tax Agreement.  This membership will provide the state and local governments additional sales tax funds through collections from out-of-state retailers participating in the program.

HB 0240 SupportMethod for Removing Infeasible SPLOST Projects Knight,David 126th
5/11/2011 House Date Signed by Governor W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Revenue & Finance Sales Tax-Local

This legislation allows county commissions or city councils to determine if one of their previously approved special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) projects has become infeasible because it is impracticable, unserviceable, unrealistic or no longer in the best interest of the citizens. If a resolution is passed by the governing authority determining infeasibility, the project could be abandoned if approved by the voters in a county wide election held in conjunction with the next SPLOST referendum. The money set aside for those projects could then be used to reduce general obligation debt and/or ad valorem taxes.

HB 0916 NeutralAmendments to Conservation Use Special Assessments Knight,David 126th
5/1/2012 House Date Signed by Governor W&M FIN -
Clint Mueller Property Tax Revenue & Finance
HB 916 removes the land up to two acres around a residential home from future CUVA covenants.  The bill also prohibits counties from setting minimum acreage requirements and allows for newly acquired property less than 50 acres to be added to an existing covenant.
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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