Legislation Sponsored by Smith,Lynn 70th (1)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 1102 NeutralHazardous Sites, Septage Land Disposal Permitting and Sewer Bill Collection Smith,Lynn 70th
5/1/2012 House Date Signed by Governor SCSBDJ NR&E -
Economic Development Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards
A multi-faceted bill, HB 1102 originally established a 30-day grace period for liability limitation for a purchaser of a hazardous site. It was amended late in the session to also address:
Septage Land Disposal Permitting Delay - providing a two-year extension for septage land disposal sites to have to obtain EPD permitting under the standing DNR septage disposal rules (compromise language ACCG agreed to).  
Calculating and Paying Sewer Bills - requiring any privately-owned public water supplier who is not providing sewer service to a location, but the sewer service is provided by a local government, to inform the public sewer provider of the water used by each customer (to help calculate appropriate sewer bills).  Furthermore, if the customer is not paying his or her public sewer bill, the private water provider must discontinue water service within 5 days of being informed by sewer provider of non-service (to help enforce sewer bill payment).      
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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