Legislation Sponsored by Smith,Richard 131st (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0041 NeutralSuperior Court Fees for Appellate Records Smith,Richard 131st
3/16/2011 House Sent to Governor Judy JUDY -
Clerk of Court Debra Nesbit Forfeitures, Fees, and Fine Add Ons General County Government Public Safety and Courts
Revenue & Finance

HB 41 reduces the fee paid to the superior court clerks for preparing trial records for appeal from $10.00 per page to $1.00 per page. This bill also provides that the judicial operations fund fee will not apply to the issuance of certificate of appointment or reappointment of notaries public.

The clerk of superior court is required to provide an exact copy of the record (not to include the transcript) in all capital criminal cases where there was a conviction at no cost to the Attorney General's Office.


HB 0153 OpposeLocal Must Return Water to Streams or Face Penalties Smith,Richard 131st
2/7/2011 House Second Readers NR&E --
Nat. Res. & the Environment Todd Edwards Water Quantity

This bill requires local governments to monitor and report quarterly the volume of surface water withdrawn from a waterway and how much treated water is returned.  If the local government returns less than 75 percent of the water to the waterway they would not be allowed to provide any new water service connection to any residence, building or other facility.  Lots that have septic tanks and are on public water systems (having more than 70,000 connections, or more than 200 accounts per square mile) would have to be at least three acres, but could not have septic tanks permitted during periods of exceptional drought.  Existing smaller lots on septic tanks in such areas have to be connected to sewer by July 1, 2016, and no new water connections can be made in areas failing to make sewer lines available for connections.     

HB 0476 WatchGeorgia Health Exchange Authority; establish Smith,Richard 131st
3/16/2011 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Ins --
Debra Nesbit Health and Human Services Insurance Insurance
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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