Legislation Sponsored by Hamilton, Mark 24th (2)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0121 NeutralElections- Secretary of State Clean-Up Bill Hamilton, Mark 24th
1/11/2016 Senate Recommitted GAff ETHICS -
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation changes the requirements for write-in candidates, as well as transfer of voter registration when a voter moves. 
HB 0194 NeutralEarly Voting - Reduce from 21 to 12 Days Hamilton, Mark 24th
4/2/2015 House Withdrawn, Recommitted GAff --
Elections General County Government Todd Edwards
This legislation reduces the total duration of advance voting to 12 days including Saturday and Sunday. Saturday polling hours shall be from 9am to 4pm and Sunday hours may be from 12pm to 4pm and no later than 6pm.
This legislation was amended in full committee to provide that counties shall choose either the second Sunday or third Saturday for the advanced voting period rather than requiring every Saturday or Sunday during that time.  
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.

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