02. Supreme Court (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0130 MonitorEmanuel County Development Authority; number of members; change Butch Parrish
5/1/2017 Effective Date Intragovernmental Coordination State and Local Governmental Operations -
02. Supreme Court 05. Superior Courts Local
HB 0256 MonitorAppeal and error; certain judgments, orders and rulings denying to grant certain immunities may be appealable to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeals; provide Barry Fleming
2/9/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals
HB 0409 MonitorAppellate court judges; age of eligibility for certain benefits; decrease Barry Fleming
1/25/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Retirement --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals Retirement & Compensation
HB 0670 MonitorGeorgia State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision; number of legislative branch representatives; revise Alan Powell
5/3/2018 Act 325 Juvenile Justice Judiciary -
02. Supreme Court 07. Juvenile Courts
HB 0981 MonitorCriminal procedure; record restriction for individuals convicted of certain felonies and misdemeanors under certain circumstances; provide Wendell Willard
2/23/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary - Non-Civil --
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 13. Superior Court Clerks
14. All Court Clerks Criminal
HB 0982 MonitorCourts; relative searches conducted by DFCS; change provisions Chad Nimmer
3/29/2018 House Agreed Senate Amend or Sub As Amended Juvenile Justice Health and Human Services -
02. Supreme Court 03. Court of Appeals 05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts 13. Superior Court Clerks
14. All Court Clerks Criminal
SR 0034 MonitorState-wide Grand Juries; jurisdiction, powers, and duties; provide; General Assembly to provide by law for procedures for summoning and empaneling; require -CA Joshua McKoon
1/23/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
02. Supreme Court Criminal
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.