Legislation Sponsored by Renee Unterman (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

SB 0039 MonitorPimping and Pandering; increase the penalty provisions Renee Unterman
3/21/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
SB 0241 MonitorControlled Substances; electronic data base of prescription information; provisions; change Renee Unterman
3/9/2017 House Second Readers Judiciary Non-Civil Health and Human Services -
08. Probate Courts Elections
SB 0329 MonitorState Tort Claims; waiver of sovereign immunity pursuant to The Georgia Torts Claims Act; boards of health are covered entities; provide Renee Unterman
1/19/2018 Senate Read and Referred -Judiciary -
12. All Courts Civil Tort
SB 0335 MonitorTrafficking of Persons for Labor; offense of trafficking an individual for sexual servitude; expand Renee Unterman
3/27/2018 House Postponed Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
05. Superior Courts Criminal Sentencing
SB 0336 MonitorGeorgia Bureau of Investigation; general provisions; subpoena issued for production of electronic communication; not provide notice to the subscriber Renee Unterman
5/6/2018 Act 411 Judiciary - Non-Civil Judiciary -
SB 0337 MonitorAdmissions and Confessions; effective date for the procedure; testimony of a child's description of sexual contact; provide Renee Unterman
3/1/2018 House Second Readers Judiciary Judiciary -
05. Superior Courts 06. State Courts Criminal
SR 0307 MonitorSexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking Joint Task Force; create Renee Unterman
3/30/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Judiciary Non-Civil Rules -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.