Student Achievement (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0114 WatchMove on When Ready Act; prohibit school systems from excluding students in dual credit courses from valedictorian or salutatorian determinations Robert Dickey
1/8/2018 Senate Recommitted Education Education and Youth -
Curriculum Student Achievement
HB 0331 WatchThe Caregiver Educational Consent Act; enact Stacey Abrams
3/3/2017 Senate Read and Referred Human Relations & Aging Health and Human Services -
Admissions Other Parents Student Achievement
HB 0338 PassedEducation; system of supports and assistance for low-performing schools in the greatest need; provisions Kevin Tanner
7/1/2017 Effective Date Education Education and Youth -
Choice Contracts Local Board Governance Parents State Board
Student Achievement
HB 0359 VetoedSupporting and Strengthening Families Act; enact Barry Fleming
5/9/2017 Veto V4 Judiciary Health and Human Services -
Other Parents Student Achievement
HB 0722 WatchMove on When Ready Act; definition of eligible postsecondary institution; revise David Casas
2/6/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported Education --
Other Student Achievement
HR 0316 WatchHouse Study Committee on Stakeholder Engagement in School Redesign; create Valencia Stovall
2/21/2017 House Second Readers Special Rules --
Other Student Achievement
HR 0898 PassedJoint Study Committee on the Establishment of a State Accreditation Process; create Brooks Coleman
5/8/2018 Effective Date Education Education and Youth -
Student Achievement
SB 0003 Passed"Creating Opportunities Needed Now to Expand Credentialed Training (CONNECT) Act"; enact Lindsey Tippins
5/8/2018 Act 446 Education Education and Youth -
Other Student Achievement
SB 0211 PassedStudent Assessments;consideration of local reading programs; research based formative assessments; summative component; provide Lindsey Tippins
4/27/2017 Effective Date Education Education and Youth -
Student Achievement
SB 0401 PassedIndividual Graduation Plans; guidance in career oriented aptitudes and career interests; provide Lindsey Tippins
5/8/2018 Act 449 Education Education and Youth -
Student Achievement
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.