Taxation - Sales (10)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0061 PassedSales and use tax; certain retailers to either collect and remit or notify purchaser and state; require Jay Powell
1/1/2019 Effective Date Ways & Means Finance -
Taxation - Sales
HB 0062 WatchAppeal and error; judgments and rulings deemed directly appealable; revise provisions Jay Powell
1/24/2017 House Withdrawn, Recommitted Ways & Means --
Taxation - Sales
HB 0593 WatchSales and use tax; educational purposes; provide for additional item to be placed on ballot when such tax is up for approval Ron Stephens
3/20/2017 House Second Readers Ways & Means --
Taxation Taxation - Sales
HB 0758 WatchSales and use tax; sales of tangible personal property for the construction of a certain museum; provide exemption Paul Battles
1/31/2018 House Second Readers Ways and Means --
Taxation - Sales
HB 0781 WatchSales and use tax; comprehensive revision of tax for educational purposes; provisions Kevin Tanner
2/22/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Education --
Taxation - Sales
HB 0796 WatchSales and use tax; sales tax holiday; renew John Corbett
2/5/2018 House Second Readers Ways and Means --
Taxation - Sales
HR 0992 WatchLocal sales and use tax; use for educational purposes of a school system; authorize - CA Kevin Tanner
2/22/2018 House Committee Favorably Reported By Substitute Education --
Capital Outlay Taxation Taxation - Sales
HR 1467 WatchSpecial purpose local option sales and use tax; use for school security purposes; authorize - CA David Stover
3/12/2018 House Second Readers Education --
Student Safety Taxation - Sales
SB 0076 WatchSales Tax; distribution of sales tax for educational purposes; change certain provisions Ellis Black
1/30/2017 Senate Read and Referred -Education and Youth -
Capital Outlay Taxation - Sales
SR 0095 WatchSales and Use Tax; net proceeds; educational purposes; county school system; independent school systems; provide for distribution-CA Ellis Black
5/9/2017 Act 278 Ways & Means Education and Youth -
Capital Outlay Taxation - Sales
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.