Legislation with Tracking Level = Vetoed (7)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0059 VetoedState tort claims; waiver of sovereign immunity for declaratory judgment or injunctive relief; provide Willard, Wendell 51st
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor Judy JUDY -
Local Board Governance Other
HB 0370 VetoedElections; provide for waivers of certain civil penalties and fees incurred by candidates for local elected office; provisions Fleming, Barry 121st
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor GAff ETHICS -
Board Ethics Elections and Appointments Other
HB 0659 VetoedEducation; provide transparency of financial information of local school systems and schools; provisions Belton, Dave 112th
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor Ed ED&Y -
Accountability Funding Local Board Governance Other Program Funding
QBE Records and Reports
HB 0859 VetoedFirearms; weapons carry license holders; carrying and possession of certain weapons in certain buildings or real property owned or leased to public institutions of postsecondary education; authorize Jasperse, Rick 11th
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor PS&HS JUDY -
HB 0959 VetoedEducation; K-12; update and clarify certain provisions Beskin, Beth 54th
5/3/2016 House Date Signed by Governor Ed ED&Y -
Other QBE
SB 0329 VetoedEducation; expand provisions relating to awarding of high school diplomas based on certain dual credit coursework Tippins, Lindsey 37th
7/1/2016 Effective Date Ed H ED -
Other Student Achievement
SB 0355 Vetoed"Student/Teacher Protection Act"; enact; end punitive testing consequences; related to federal, state,and locally mandated standardized assessments Ligon, Jr., William 3rd
7/1/2016 Effective Date Ed ED&Y -
Accountability Student Achievement
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.