Legislation with Tracking Level = Vetoed (4)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0359 VetoedSupporting and Strengthening Families Act; enact Barry Fleming
5/9/2017 Veto V4 Judiciary Health and Human Services -
Other Parents Student Achievement
HB 0425 VetoedElementary and secondary education; administration of standardized assessments in paper-and-pencil format upon parental request; provide Joyce Chandler
5/9/2017 Veto V5 Education Education and Youth -
HB 0995 VetoedLocal government; certain disclosures from consultants who enter into contracts to prepare requirements for bids; provide Mark Newton
5/8/2018 Veto V15 Governmental Affairs Economic Development and Tourism -
SB 0315 VetoedComputer Crimes; create a new crime of unauthorized computer access; penalties; provide Bruce Thompson
5/8/2018 Veto V18 Public Safety and Homeland Security Public Safety -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.