Legislation Assigned to the House D&VA Committee (3)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0003 MonitorVeterans Day; public schools closed November 11; provide Keen,Jerry 179th
1/15/2009 House Second Readers D&VA --
School Day and Year
HR 1219 MonitorEducation, Department of; implement safe guards for recruitment of 17-year-olds; urge Benfield,Stephanie 85th
2/2/2010 House Second Readers D&VA --
Curriculum and Testing Records Student Matters
SB 0518 WorkEducation; require study of the pledge of allegiance to the flag of United States and Georgia flag; American institutions and ideals Mullis,Jeff 53rd
5/24/2010 Senate Date Signed by Governor D&VA ED&Y -
Curriculum and Testing
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.