Legislation Assigned to the House D&VA Committee (5)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 1187 MonitorState parks and recreation areas; active and retired military personnel; free admission; provide Kaiser,Margaret 59th
2/14/2008 House Second Readers D&VA --
HB 1370 MonitorVeterans' drivers' licenses; issuance; modify requirements Loudermilk,Barry 14th
3/4/2008 House Second Readers D&VA --
HR 0523 MonitorLocal school systems; honor Veterans' Day; urge Yates,John 73rd
3/28/2007 House Passed/Adopted D&VA --
HR 1024 MonitorArmy and National Guard; priority units; receive WRESP; urge Hamilton,Mark 23rd
3/12/2008 House Withdrawn, Recommitted D&VA --
SB 0369 MonitorRevenue Dept.; parking permit for disabled persons; affidavit of active duty military physicians Douglas,John 17th
5/12/2008 Senate Date Signed by Governor D&VA VM&HS -
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.