Legislation Sponsored by Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th (8)

Date of Last Recorded Action: 5/7/2024

HB 0088 MonitorCoretta Scott King Day; observe April 27; annually Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
1/23/2007 House Second Readers SRules --
HB 0751 MonitorCourt bailiffs; per diem compensation; increase Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
3/28/2007 House Second Readers Judy --
HR 0156 MonitorScott, David; condolences Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
2/1/2007 House Read and Adopted ---
HR 0376 MonitorPortrait of Ms. Coretta Scott King; Capitol Arts Standards Commission; urge Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
2/27/2007 House Second Readers SRules --
HR 0686 MonitorCoretta Scott King Day; Georgia; declare Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
3/29/2007 House Read and Referred Rules --
HR 0975 MonitorYoumans, Robert "Bob" Edward, Jr.; commend Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
4/20/2007 House Read and Adopted ---
HR 1057 MonitorOrange, Reverend Doctor James Edward; commend and invite to House Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
1/18/2008 House Read and Referred Rules --
HR 1289 MonitorDraft, Mr. Chris; commend and invite to House Abdul-Salaam,Roberta 74th
3/20/2008 House Passed/Adopted Rules --
Green background on status indicates a bill has been acted on the last recorded legislative day.